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Thursday, March 30, 2023 8:00PM - Sunday, April 2, 2023 3:00PM

Item details


Sunday, April 2, 2023 3:00PM


Frederick Loewe Theatre

NYU Campus Event



Mozart’s first mature opera is based on the myth found in Homer’s Odyssey about Idomeneo, the celebrated king and hero of the Trojan Wars, sailing home to Crete, confronting a life-threatening storm, and making a pact with Neptune, god of the seas, for his safe arrival.  He promises the god he’ll sacrifice to him the first man he meets on land, and that man turns out to be the king’s own son.  Love, duty, personal choice, and familial fate all play into the events that unfold within a plot that includes raging tempests, environment disasters, and even the attack of a monster from the watery depths.  This NYU Opera production places Mozart’s mythic tale fifty years in the imagined future, within a severely climate-changed planet and global water crisis, asking us to consider how the choices we make now might impact the futures of those we hold dear and our wider world community.

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